7 Best Free Tools For Content Writing In 2022 To Improve Your Writing

Are you looking for the best free tools for content writing? That can help you save more time without compromising on quality. Then you landed in the right domain where we have listed the 7 best free tools for content writing.

Writing content is not an issue here, the main challenge is to find and fix errors in the content.

The tools for content writing we have listed here are to help you when you write and proofread the content.

Content writing demand has increased in the past several years and it’s a skill that requires no degree. All you need is a basic understanding of grammar and an interest in writing.

Let’s jump straight into the list of the 7 best tools for content writing…

Pay Attention

The tools you see here are using AI technology, so they are not accurate. These tools help you get started and improve your writing skills. Do not rely completely upon them.

7 Best Free Tools For Content Writing In 2022

1. Google Docs

Google Docs

You might be thinking about how Google Docs can be useful for content writing? Here’s how.

Google Docs is a software as a service(SaaS) product of Google that requires no separate installation. As a result, you will save space on your laptop and personal computer.

This web tool will save the text you type in, make sure you have an active internet connection.

It will show you blue and red underline in your text if there’s a grammatical mistake or spelling error.

  • Blue Underline: It displays grammatical errors like the use of is/and/the and other small changes.
  • Red Underline: It tells the spelling is wrong and shows you the correct suggestion. Click on the recommendation and it will change the incorrect spelling.

Since, it’s a part of the Google ecosystem you can access the very same document on your mobile, and tablet.

The greatest thing about this tool is sharing, you don’t have to save the document in a particular format.

You can share an open link that does not allow anyone to edit content. If you have to submit it for editing to your seniors, ask for their email and give access to them.

This SaaS product is cloud-based and as you type daily. It will adapt your use and provide you with suggestions, press the right arrow key when it shows you a hint.

Save time with these Google Docs keyboard shortcuts:

  • Headline 2: Ctrl + Alt + 2
  • Headline 3: Ctrl + Alt + 3
  • Headline 4: Ctrl + Alt + 4
  • Bullet point list : Ctrl + Shift + 8
  • Numbered list: Ctrl + Shift + 7
  • To erase words faster: Ctrl + Backspace
  • Word count checker: Ctrl + Shift + C
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Ctrl + Y

The above commands are the most used ones while writing content.

Check out this guide on Things to consider before buying a laptop

2. Headline Analyzer

A pivotal headline is the crucial element of your content. This is where your reader decides whether to read the content body further or not.

Before you use the tool, be creative by yourself.

Once you draft a headline it’s time to copy/paste it into the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer.

If your headline hits a score above 80 or 85 it is good enough. You can also cross-check headlines in the Sharethrough headline analyzer.

These two tools we have shared consider different points, so don’t waste your entire day framing a perfect headline.

3. Grammarly


Grammarly tool is used by almost all industry writers, be it a copywriter, social media caption writer, SOP writer, or blog post writer.

It’s a chrome extension and to use it, you must sign-up first using the options they provided.

Setting up this tool on your web browser is a piece of cake, and it is by far the best SaaS product in the content writing industry.

Once this plugin is active, it instantly detects the spelling errors and basic grammar mistakes e.g. if you have used the world double times like “and-and” it gives suggestions.

Before writing in Google Docs, make sure you set the parameters in Grammarly and here’s how to do that without opening the Grammarly tool:

  • At the bottom right corner of Google Docs, you will see a round green icon – Click on it
  • A panel will open from the right side
  • At the top right, there is a Bullseye(🎯) icon – Click on it and it will open a new window

You can set how you want your content to be conveyed.

Grammarly even lets you type in their tool and gives you a readability score by measuring various factors.

This tool does have a premium version in which it reformats your entire sentences correctly. If you can afford then buying a premium is not a bad choice.

But we don’t recommend it, especially, if you’re an individual or beginner.

4. Word Finder

Google search engine itself is a universal tool for this task and wait, do you ever realize why you need to find words?

Before we answer the question, we like to have an opinion on this sentence:

“Brave browser is better than Chrome browser and Safari browser, however, Brave browser is providing more privacy.”

Sounds boring, right? So much use of the word – “Browser”.

Then how about this sentence, “Brave search engine is expert at blocking ads and trackers in comparison to Chrome and Safari browser.”

See the difference? Using the same words many times makes your content monotonous and the reader will get bored.

To find words synonyms, use websites like Thesaurus and Google search engine.

5. Cliche Finder

It’s an easy-to-use tool with the purpose of detecting repetitive words and phrases in the writing that makes the content look ugly.

Now, take these tool suggestions as a pinch of salt and make edits, only where you think is required. Otherwise, you end up writing hard-to-read content that nobody wants.

This tool is most useful for people who write email copies to generate sales or draft a copy for lead generation.

The interface is a bit dated but is easy to use. Copy/paste your text and hit the “Find Cliches” button to get results, the unwanted words and phrases will be highlighted in red.

The one issue with this web tool is that you can not make edits on the spot after you get tips for improvements.

For short text, it’s not a problem but if you have around 1000 words or so then the editing part will be a real drag.

6. Hemingway App

Hemingway App

The Hemingway App is the most valuable tool ever created for content writers.

You can download the desktop app or use the web version, we’d say prefer the web version.

In Hemingway App, you will get a grade readability score, word count, and hard-to-read sentences with colour highlights.

You can write content in Hemingway App and copy the content in Google Docs.

Keep that in mind, Hemingway App does not autosave your work thus we recommend writing in Google Docs and pasting the content into Hemingway when it comes to editing.

Here’s an explanation of the colour codes:

  • Blue: Issues with the use of adverbs
  • Green – Misuse of passive voice
  • Pink – Sentence has an extra word or phrase that can be either replaced or removed
  • Yellow – The sentence is hard to read
  • Red – The sentence is very hard to read

An average American user understands text with a readability grade between 7-9, so keep the content around the mentioned limit.

If you write content that has grade 12 meaning it is very hard to read.

This is a free tool to use and is excellent for both purposes, writing and editing.

7. Plagiarism Checker

Alright. You have done all your research and formed comprehensive content that is exactly as your client or audience demands.

While publishing content on websites, it is necessary to check if the content you’ve written is unique.

Two free tools can give you peace of mind about that, however, these two tools are not the most accurate ones yet, still handy.

Small SEO Tools. This tool allows you to check 1000 words at a time. If your content is 5000 words long, open 5 tabs in your browser. Take the first 1000 words and paste them into the tool and start checking.

Repeat the process for the remaining words.

Duplichecker. It’s the same tool as SmallSEOTools but is a lot faster.

Grammarly also has a plagiarism checker but it is available in the premium version only. If you think of investing money then try CopyScape, it’s a paid tool, but is more cost-effective.


There you have it folks, the list of the 7 best free tools for content writing.

If you end up with the question, “Do I have to use all the tools while writing and editing my content?” The answer is No.

Here’s our way to do things while writing a long-form article:

  • Google Docs and Grammarly for writing, easy sharing, fixing on spot spelling and basic grammatical errors.
  • Hemingway App – copy/paste the content and start editing, once it’s done paste the edited content back to Google Doc.
  • Plagiarism – After editing, check if the content is matching to someone else’s content or not.

Use a word finder tool while writing.

Once you start using these tools, you will realize how much time you are saving.

That’s it for this article, we hope you get the answers that you are looking for.

In case if you still have doubts, then don’t keep it to yourself – let them roll into the comment section and we are happier to answer them.


Do content writing has types?

Yes. The renowned types are how-to, listicle, educational, information, copywriting, and product description.

How can I begin writing content?

Understand the given topic and put your time into the research, structure the content in a proper format so it can be easily understandable by the reader. Read your competitor’s work and start writing content that is better and valuable to the readers.

Should I pay for tools that are required for writing?

If you are a beginner then forget about investing in any tools. Use the free version of tools and with practice and reading other people’s blogs and articles, you will eventually become a PRO at writing.