Bluehost vs Hostinger – Which WordPress Hosting is Better?

So you have seen dozens of comparisons and learned about various hosting services and stuck with these two, yet still confused which WordPress hosting is better, Bluehost or Hostinger.

If you are looking into these two hosting providers, let us guess, you are a beginner who wants to build an online presence via blog or by creating a professional website.

Fret not, in this detailed article we will be explaining which one is better by taking important factors into consideration.

So sit back tight and make sure to read this descriptive post thoroughly, it helps make a faster purchasing decision for sure.

With that being said, let’s get started…

Bluehost vs Hostinger: Cost Of Investment

This is the biggest concern for a beginner, which one is a good investment?

Take a look at,

Bluehost Pricing

Bluehost offers shared web hosting at 2.95$/Month, it’s a base plan and there’s something you should be aware of.

When it says monthly, it doesn’t mean you are paying them month by month.

Once you will be redirected to a pricing page, you will notice the amount of money will increase significantly because they charge once a year.

So if we do basic math, the amount for a year you will be paying is around 35-40 dollars including taxes.

Which is fair for a year, in our opinion.

Hostinger Pricing

Hostinger price varies a lot from time to time and sometimes we see that price go as low as 0.99$/Month, meaning compared to Bluehost, you will be saving a fair chunk of money when purchasing WordPress hosting from the Hostinger.

The current price of Hostinger is 1.99$/Month, however, when they take you to a checkout page you have to buy a plan for 48 months(4 years) to have this benefit which costs around 100 US dollars for 48 months.

Now, compared to Bluehost you might find Hostinger more attractive because it is just 100$ for 4 years and with Bluehost, you will be paying approximately 160$ for four years, therefore, you find Hostinger a good saving, right?

A good thing about Hostinger is that it allows you to pay monthly as well however, the cost is 9.99$/Month.

In price comparison, the Hostinger is clearly a winner.

Bluehost vs Hostinger: What’s In It For You?

Let’s compare their features in detail and see how they are useful to you.

In this section, we will discuss single and premium shared hosting plans for WordPress hosting.

Single Shared Hosting Plan:

Who should buy a single shared hosting plan?

  • This plan is for individuals who are starting out a blog website

That’s it, it is designed especially for user who just have to host one website and seek decent traffic to it. It doesn’t have to be a blog website, as a solopreneur you can also start a personal service website.

Comparison Of Single Shared Hosting Plan: Bluehost vs Hostinger

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We are pretty sure that you do not understand all the features so here’s a quick explanation of these terms:

SSD(Solid-state drive) Storage

You can load images, videos, music files or any kind of file that is in digital format but the storage space given to you is limited as mentioned in the table.

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SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer an end-to-end encryption certificate that will protect your website from prying eyes.

For your easy understanding, do you see the lock icon before our URL i.e., that lock icon indicates that the domain is secure to browse.


CDN stands for content delivery network. The main aim of CDN is to distribute content efficiently.

The benefit of using CDN is it helps gain more readers from across the world and improves the site loading speed significantly.

Free Domain

You can buy a domain from GoDaddy or you can purchase a free domain from hosting providers. Remember, whatever domain you purchase is only free for one year.


A shared hosting plan is used by multiple people, when you buy a single shared hosting plan, it means that you have bought a small portion of it.

Hostinger has mentioned how many visitors it can handle monthly, where Bluehost doesn’t. According to our research, we find that Bluehost can also handle 7,000 – 10,000 monthly visitors easily.


Bandwidth defines how much data is transferred to a website user from a server and at what speed.

To make it easy for your understanding, if the webpage has the size of 1MB, and there are 10 visitors meaning 10MB bandwidth is getting used.

It is measured in GB/s or MB/s for e.g. Hostinger has 100GB bandwidth while Bluehost provided unmetered meaning there’s no limit to it which is really beneficial.

Comparison Of Premium Shared Hosting Plan: Bluehost vs Hostinger

This type of hosting is for people with multiple websites who have clients or a freelancer managing multiple client websites.

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Except for subdomain, every term we have already explained.


The subdomain is a part of your main domain, look at this example here:

  • ← Main Domain Name
  • ← subdomain

A real example of a subdomain is →

Bluehost vs Hostinger: UI Comparision

Bluehost User Interface

Refer to the image for better information.

Bluehost interfacer

Bluehost interface is pretty simple with no fancy design. Its looks similar to the old cPanel yet it can be learned effortlessly.

With the help of a couple of youtube videos, you can understand the Bluehost easily.

Hostinger User Interface

Hostinger UI is totally different or let’s say skillfully outperforms the Bluehost UI. With other hosting providers you will get a cPanel to use.


However, Hostinger has developed its own H-Panel that is basically a C-Panel but with a more organized and premium design that one would love to use.

Even a beginner can understand what are the feature displayed in H-panel, it’s that simple.

Bluehost vs Hostinger: Who’s UP?

No, the results are yet to come though we are pretty close.

Hosting with a good uptime record is better because if the hosting servers are down your website will lose significant ranking in Google.

How? If a user visits your website and bounces immediately then Google considers that your content is not valuable which results in a lower ranking.

Bluehost Uptime

Bluehost doesn’t mention its uptime on their website but from the study, we find that uptimes of Bluehost remain between 99.98% – 100% which is good.

Uptime is not fixed, it varies as the servers go under maintenance without any prior notice.

Hostinger Uptime

Hostinger has 99.9% uptime and we have personally used Hostinger for the India region and our experience is not quite positive.

In a month, our website will go down three to four times.

BlueHost Vs Hostinger: Customer Care

It is one of the most crucial steps you should not skip. Because whenever you find the need of someone with your website only your hosting provider service team can help you.

Bluehost Customer Care

Bluehost provides 24/7 call support, live chat box and knowledge base support.

Call support is what most people need because sometimes it is hard to explain a problem in text or typing a long-form document is not of your interest.

The live chat customer care service of Bluehost is responsive. You can send a screenshot to the team using the live chat box to address your concern clearly and the team will be glad to assist you.

In knowledge base support, they first serve you their guide and how-to articles related to your problem so you can solve your problem by yourself.

Hostinger Customer Care

Alright. Hostinger provides Live Chat and knowledge base customer support.

The knowledge base is just okay.

They don’t have call support so the only option you have is Live Chat support and it’s terrible in personal experience.

The waiting time is 30 mins but in real-time use, we drop a message to the team at around 9-10 PM and got a response in the morning at 6-7 AM and it’s beyond 30 minutes.

Also, getting a solution from Hostinger is very time-consuming.

Bluehost vs Hostinger: The Winner

Bluehost is undoubtedly the best in this comparison as for its asking price you are getting better value for money features and excellent customer support.

Hostinger, on the other hand, is cost-effective but not value-effective, if you are a solo user and just starting, Hostinger is a good money-saving and as you start earning from your website, you can then switch to other hosting platforms.

  • Value + Price = Bluehost
  • Cheap = Hostinger

We hope that this descriptive comparison helps you with your purchase decision and if yes then do share this post with people who are confused with their decision on buying web hosting.

That’s a wrap for this post. If you end up with any doubts do let them flow in the comment section.

Till then, Sayonara.

What is web hosting?

A web hosting, host your domain and allows you to post digital media on the server and later. People all over the world can find your content through the internet and web hosting is the one that will serve your content to the end-user.

Should I start my website on the Blogspot platform?

Blogspot is a free-to-use SaaS(software as a service) product of Google which lets you host a domain for free. You can host paid domain and free domain using blogspot. However, you need to have a basic knowledge of coding but we recommend if you own a paid domain then use WordPress based website to get rid of coding and have numerous options for customization.

Can I pay monthly fees for WordPress web hosting?

Yes. There are web hosting service providers that offer a monthly subscription. Web hosting sites like Hostinger and Namecheap offers monthly subscription however considering a yearly payment, the monthly payment is very costly in comparison and we recommend going for yearly payment.