What Is Chatbot Marketing?


There are different types of digital marketing techniques in the market and one of them is chatbot marketing. This is an automatic marketing method to grow businesses.

Businesses use chatbot marketing as a strategy to advertise their goods and services online. These computer software programmes may communicate with people by using AI or pre-programmed situations.

Chatbot Marketing?

Using conversational marketing, chatbots may raise customer engagement on your website and improve sales. Additionally, you can programme your marketing chatbots to take orders and guide customers closer to a sale.


A marketing chatbot is available to provide suggestions and assist with orders even if a potential customer is exploring your website at 2 in the morning. This might enhance the shopping experience and bring in some extra revenue.

24/7 Availability

You can make it quick and simple for customers to schedule their following appointment with you by using chatbots. You may achieve this by linking your calendar to the chatbot, time, and contact information to organise a booking.


Your continuing marketing strategy should include promoting your services and goods. By suggesting items and displaying your offer to encourage the customer to check out, marketing bots may assist with this time-consuming activity.

Promoting product

According to research, businesses are seven times more likely to qualify a lead when they respond to enquiries within an hour of getting them. Therefore, be sure that your company replies to client inquiries as soon as possible.

Lead Generation